Erotic stories of kaylee

Profile page of kaylee. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

kaylee wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 659 times

A New Poem For Daddy Just lay back & relax, Daddy … Let your sweet girl take care of you Oh daddy daddy PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!
Let me rest upon my knees
 And kiss your thing for you I’ll please
With my lips so softly. YES! YES! YES!
My little Angel dove
Get upon your knees and hug
Mu botto while I gently shove
 Daddy’s playful pole of love. In it goes
In my mouth
 So warm and tasty
'Tis no doubt
I’ll soon be showered
When daddy spouts 
His creamy, dreamy, jiz. So low I start
In and out 
Daddy’s dick 
D...reading time 1 mingenre
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